About Us

FoodZube is the home of cooking. It is where you can feel spontaneous, plan whole weeks, buy ingredients in seconds, forget the headache you had to do just to provide a good meal for yourself every day.

FoodZube is the answer to long working days where before you had to just heat something up fast in the microwave – now you can eat well, with your recipe in a time limit you set, ready to start when you get home, with the ingredients already bought.

FoodZube is for any budget, any food preference, any time limit. It is for variety and trying something new, if that is what you want.

It is for keeping the whole family happy with food they like but something different on the table every day.

It is for going out and eating in, cooking for 8 or cooking for 1, for dinner parties and simple meals.

FoodZube is your home for cooking.